問一答三英語 2 關於台灣(附CD)出版社:學習出版社作者:李冠勳優惠價:95折361元◆本書和「一口氣背會話」一樣,詳詳細細說明,例如別人問:What should I call Taiwan? 你就可以回答三句: Now Taiwan』s official name is the Republic of China. (現在台灣的正式名稱是「中華民國」。) Taiwan was once called F…more
Focus on Grammar 4/e (4) with MP3 Audio CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Marjorie Fuchs、Margaret Bonner優惠價:790元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
聽經典好歌學英文:輕鬆聽音樂,流利說英文!出版社:得昇多媒體有限公司作者:邢珮珮優惠價:79折236元常在口語英文中看到的「ain』t」、「gonna」及「want』em」要怎麼用?怎麼呼叫服務生才較婉轉?要如何禮貌地婉拒別人?「使眼色」、「我挺你」、「霸凌」、「喝得爛醉」、「下流的招術」、「一手啤酒」怎麼說? 還有更多時下最潮流的英文用語,都…more
絕對高分!英文寫作必用句型出版社:采竹作者:江皆瑤優惠價:9折224元一本好又實用的英文寫作指導書 這些句型你一定用得到! 針對歷年英文作文考題方向,詳細規劃分解說明: 1.主題分類:16大主題,囊括各大英文作文考試的出題方向,讓你高分手到擒來! 2.句型要領:精解說明,以「活學活用」為原則,讓你…more
Focus on Grammar (5) Workbook 4/e出版社:東華作者:Rachel Spack Koch優惠價:350元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
World Class (1) SB with online WB (Sticker Access Code)出版社:東華作者:Nancy Douglas、James R. Morgan優惠價:550元World Class is a two-level series from National Geographic Learning for high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners …more
練英單!英單7000字邊背邊練習(三書合裝本)(16K+3MP3)出版社:寂天作者:Judy Majewski、葉立萱/編著,吳詩綺/審校優惠價:79折473元你厭煩學習英單總是要背!背!背! 背完單字又得不斷記、記、記嗎? 本書讓你從「練習」中學單字, 不再是搾乾腦力的死背硬記, 而是利用測驗進行快速有效記憶,學完單字,馬上答題,即刻複習,培養實際應用英單的能力! 《三書合裝…more
Global Outlook (Intro) Intermediate Reading with MP3 CD/1片出版社:東華作者:Brenda Bushell、Brenda Dyer優惠價:475元Global Outlook is a newly updated three-level series that introduces language learners to the basic reading skills and strategies necessary for academic success. Although the focus is on reading, the other three language skills…more
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