Gateway (5) Teacher’s Book Gateway is a lively six-level series for children between the ages of six and twelve. It has a clear functional and grammatical syllabus that provides students with a framework within which to learn real-world English. Its gradual…more 海外旅遊一定要懂的英文標示&招牌(20K+1MP3) 海外旅遊留學必備! 招牌、標示、警語、告示無所不在, 與人們的生活息息相關。 本書匯集美國與英國各地區常見的招牌與標示, 幫您做好萬全的行前準備!本書五大特色 1.多元豐富的招牌及標示內容:本書主題囊括機場、地鐵、公車、鐵…more | 快攻NBA籃球英文全解(附MP3光碟一片) 想看NBA球星控球、助攻、抄球、擦板、三分球的帥氣?但球評的英文專業術語聽不懂嗎? 不想錯過任何一場即時NBA球賽轉播嗎? 對於NBA的球隊、賽制、規則、賽事,你認識多少? 美國NBA出了哪些傑出的籃壇明星?創下了哪些瘋狂、輝煌的紀錄?…more Reading Advantage 3/e (4) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CDs/2片 Reading Advantage is a four-level reading series for learners of English from the high beginning to high intermediate level. Each book features 20 four-page units that will motivate students and require little teacher preparation.…more |