Summit 2/e (1B) Split: Student Book with ActiveBook CD-ROM/1片 and Workbook Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more 大專用書:Stater(書+CD) 教材特色 1.本書以淺顯易懂的方式介紹英文文法,幫助文法觀念較為薄弱的大專生建立一套完整的基本文法概念。 2.課程以句子的學習理解為重點,由淺入深介紹各種基本句型。 3.學習重點在使學習者能正確地理解句子所要表達的重點,進而明白文…more | 背包客一定要會的英文便利句(附1MP3) 【救急情境演練】:依照不同的單元情境,為讀者呈現紙上旅遊實況。 【關鍵句】:收錄完整句和順口句,滿足讀者正式會話與輕鬆口語的需求。 【單字片語維他命】:讓讀者隨時補充字彙能量,學習相關主題單字和片語。 【背包客旅遊筆記】:每…more Engaging Writing 2:Essential Skills for Academic Writing 2/e Engaging Writing, a newly expanded two-level series, gives students the concepts and skills they need for success in academic writing. Engaging Writing provides clear, step-by-step instruction in the writing process, focusing firs…more |