開口就會:美國長住用語 給 想到美國留遊學的人 想增進英語口說能力的人 學了幾年英文,仍然開不了口的學生 本書內容涵蓋旅美期間所有可能發生的情境,提供讀者真實情境下的對話。對話後補充的「實用語句」及「字句補給站」供讀者隨查隨用、自製對話。另有為國…more Market Leader 3/e Accounting and Finance Accounting and Finance is one of a range new specialist titles designed for use on its own or with the Market Leader series. Ideal for students who need to learn the language of more specialized areas of business English, the book…more | 五星級飯店專業客房英語 (32K+1MP3) 從旅客住宿期間,客房的清潔、洗衣服務、借用物品,到商務會議、急救措施與意外處理,我們給你最專業的客房實務英語!擁有英語能力卻不足以應付商業場合?你需要更專業的指導手冊! 本書專為飯店旅館從業人員及飯店管理相關科系學生所設計。藉由…more Market Leader (Upp-Int) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM/1片 & Audio CDs/2片 Market Leader Upper Intermediate New Edition retains the dynamic and effective approach to business English that has made the course so successful in classes worldwide. With its new listening content and thoroughly updated materia…more |