一口氣旅遊英語會話講座實況DVD出版社:學習出版社作者:劉毅優惠價:95折551元背了這108句,出國旅遊一定用得到。 三句一組,九句一段,背至1分鐘內,終生不忘記。 取材自「一口氣背會話(上)BOOK 4」…more
Collins-Business Grammar & Practice:Pre-Intermediate出版社:東華作者:Nick Brieger、Simon Sweeney優惠價:670元A comprehensive and clear guide for those looking to improve their English grammar for use in the workplace. If you are required to use English at work but feel you need to build up your grammar, Collins』 new Business Grammar &am…more
In Sync (3A&3B) Teacher』s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Kate Fuscoe、Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:1000元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
Focus on Grammar 4/e (3A) with MP3 Audio CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Marjorie Fuchs、Margaret Bonner、Miriam Westheimer優惠價:750元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
英文簡單說:組合+選字+排序,3步驟直接開口說出版社:商業週刊作者:世界公民文化中心優惠價:79折198元開口說英文,一定要字彙豐富、語法複雜,才能說清楚?其實沒有這麼難,用簡單好用的單字、片語、句型,就能讓你說得自然又內行!這是一套從「選字」、「組合成句」、「排列順序」,step by step的英文學習法,循序漸進幫你輕鬆開口說英文。 任何…more
In Sync (3B) SB with Language Builder & Student CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Liz Kibey、Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:400元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
英語進階字彙完全攻略 選字範圍4500-7000(全新增修版)出版社:希伯崙作者:LiveABC互動英語教學集團編輯群優惠價:9折288元1本平裝書 + 1片MP3 + 1本別冊(收錄範文中譯、單元測驗中譯與解答、學測模擬測驗解答與解析) ●依照大考中心公佈的「高中英文參考詞彙表」,符合升大學考試需求 ●透過閱讀範文認識單字,亦可藉熟悉單字理解範文,雙管齊下效果佳 …more
學校沒教過的美國人常用俚語(1書+1MP3)出版社:希望星球出版社作者:Brian Foden優惠價:79折300元《瘋狂英語 免背!圖解300句俚語 》在出版後,受到全國讀者好評推薦,為感謝廣大讀者的支持,希望星球出版社特地改版推出《學校沒教過的美國人常用俚語》。 讓人過目不忘的「圖像式俚語記憶法」 學了多年英語,背了很多單字、句型,說英語時卻…more
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48 5 2013