Gateway (6) with Audio CD/1片 Gateway is a lively six-level series for children between the ages of six and twelve. It has a clear functional and grammatical syllabus that provides students with a framework within which to learn real-world English. Its gradual…more 英文單字好好背,用對方法就不累!〔附贈:超值教學光碟-補教名師教你學好英文DVD〕 英文單字成千上萬,誰說背單字的方式只能有一種?! 補教名師專為初學者設計的~ 10堂單字課 × 3種學習難易程度! 只要抓到記憶訣竅,字彙量自然輕鬆倍增,省時又沒有壓力!本書特色 單字可別傻傻背,用對方法才能真正達到有效記憶! …more | Summit 2/e (1) Complete Assessment Package with ExamView Assessment Suite CD-ROM/1片 Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. This Complete Assessment Package includes: * Ten printable unit a…more 玩美英文.世界漫步.Let’s Go旅行地圖 (1書+1MP3) 邊玩邊學,一手掌握旅行英文,幸福TRAVEL飛更遠! 旅人們!提起行囊出發吧! 帶著英文旅行去,創造人生回憶的重要養份! 旅行英文全攻略! Travel Tips 旅行狀況小提醒 Expression 緊急用語好溝通 Sign …more |