World Class (1) SB with online WB (Sticker Access Code)出版社:東華作者:Nancy Douglas、James R. Morgan優惠價:550元World Class is a two-level series from National Geographic Learning for high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners …more
國中.高中重要英文單字總整理(25K+1MP3)出版社:山田社作者:李洋優惠價:9折288元考生注意! 【嚴選必學重點,增加學習效率】 1.嚴選必要的單字:排除出題頻度低的單字,只精選學測、高中˙大學考試、英檢初級˙中級TOEIC、TOEFL、SAT等,考試出現頻度高的「核心」單字。 2.嚴選必要的字意:把該單字最「核心」的意義,放…more
Focus on Grammar 4/e (3) with MP3 Audio CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Marjorie Fuchs、Margaret Bonner、Miriam Westheimer優惠價:790元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
In Sync (2A) SB with Language Builder & Student CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:400元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
Collins-Business Grammar & Practice:Pre-Intermediate出版社:東華作者:Nick Brieger、Simon Sweeney優惠價:670元A comprehensive and clear guide for those looking to improve their English grammar for use in the workplace. If you are required to use English at work but feel you need to build up your grammar, Collins』 new Business Grammar &am…more
In Sync (3A) SB with Language Builder & Student CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Liz Kibey.Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:400元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
Fun學美國各學科 Preschool 閱讀課本 4:介係詞篇(菊8K + 1MP3)出版社:寂天作者:e-Creative Contents、Michael A. Putlack優惠價:9折288元培養英語閱讀技巧(Reading Skills)的第一步, 就從認識基礎單字與文法開始。 《FUN學美國各學科Preschool閱讀課本》是一套專為學前及幼稚園兒童設計的字彙文法書,幫助孩子認識基礎字彙與文法,培養英語閱讀技巧。本套書以「動詞、形容詞、…more
這一次,徹底學好英文介係詞出版社:眾文作者:石井隆之優惠價:79折277元小小的介係詞,總是讓你覺得「好像有點懂,又有點難以捉摸」?「在商店裡」是in the shop還是at the shop?「在角落」又該用in, on還是at?圖解+例句+重點解說,什麼時候該用哪個介係詞,一目瞭然!本書帶你從「核心意義」開始,徹底學好介係詞,…more