說英語,這些文法就行啦!【輕便本】(50K+MP3)出版社:山田社作者:李洋優惠價:9折179元《說英語,這些文法就行啦!》出輕便本囉!這樣就能方便您隨身攜帶,走到哪,學到哪。 ★獨家特色★ 文法比一比:兩個句型相比較,立刻抓出重點 例句個別字意:不論是英翻中還是中翻英,翻譯清楚不混亂! 活潑插圖:句子搭配插圖,在情…more
學英文要從一早開始:從「清晨」到「夜晚」,體驗全英語式的生活! (附1MP3+1防水書套)出版社:我識作者:白善燁優惠價:79折236元用英語腦思考,學好道地的英語。 用英語口交談,說出老外的一天! 跨國界交流再也不是問題!!! 5大學習功效—英文輕鬆入門 1.專門為英文初學者所設計的一本英文入門書籍。 本書以簡單的英語來學習每天都會遇到的生活情景,專門為想…more
In Sync (2) Student Book with Student CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:420元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
In Sync (1) Student Book with Student CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:420元In Sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Bring language learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers ext…more
外國人教你「長話短說」,好學好說不出錯!(附贈中英學習 MP3:最多超 IN 講法,老外通通說給你聽!)出版社:凱信出版作者:王洛媛優惠價:9折288元別再讓艱深難背的文法語句, 澆熄你對英文的興趣! 你是否常覺得外國電影影集聽到的英文, 比我們以前學到的說法短許多、簡單許多? 還常常暗自嘀咕原來這麼簡單,那我也會說… 以英文有效溝通,絕非說出完美文法~~ 戒掉中式思維…more
Focus on Grammar 4/e (4A) Workbook出版社:東華作者:Marjorie Fuchs、Margaret Bonner優惠價:300元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
一口氣旅遊英語會話講座實況DVD出版社:學習出版社作者:劉毅優惠價:95折551元背了這108句,出國旅遊一定用得到。 三句一組,九句一段,背至1分鐘內,終生不忘記。 取材自「一口氣背會話(上)BOOK 4」…more
Focus on Grammar 4/e (5) with MP3 Audio CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Jay Maurer優惠價:790元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more