Focus on Grammar (2) Workbook 4/e出版社:東華作者:Samuela Eckstut-Didier優惠價:300元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
Focus on Grammar 4/e (4) with MP3 Audio CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Marjorie Fuchs、Margaret Bonner優惠價:790元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
In Sync (2) Student Book with Student CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:420元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
上班族英語這樣學就行啦:用國中英語就可以談生意出版社:山田社作者:里昂優惠價:9折252元您是想從頭學英語的上班族嗎?只要喚醒您那幾乎快要忘掉的國中英語,再套用「公式」,就會讓你以十倍速提昇職場英文能力!更讓您點頭叫好!本書特色: 1. 任何行業都用得上,國中程度的基礎單字,照樣「講清楚說明白」。 商務英語不要再…more
In Sync (3A&3B) Teacher』s Ed. with Test Master CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Kate Fuscoe、Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:1000元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
職場實用英語完全攻略出版社:希伯崙作者:LiveABC互動英語教學集團編輯群優惠價:9折450元涵蓋職場10大課程,商用英語初學者必備 ●內容涵蓋各類實用的職場與商務英語,包括接待訪客、電話英語、請假與代班、籌備會議、寫Email、與客戶洽談、議價等,教您用簡單的字彙與片語,就能和外國同事、主管與客戶溝通往來。 ●搭配實景會話影…more
Focus on Grammar (5A) Workbook 4/e出版社:東華作者:Rachel Spack Koch優惠價:300元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
英文動詞完全指南:百大關鍵動詞特搜,英文表達一次搞定!(附贈中英學習MP3,【超 In 動詞&常見用法】老外說給你聽!)出版社:凱信出版作者:王洛媛優惠價:9折234元英文動詞是學好英文不可或缺的靈魂!搞定動詞=掌握 80% 英文句意!想看懂、聽懂英文?!就從動詞開始吧!【8格漫畫精采連載 & 老外生活超 In 哈拉句】陪你精通百大關鍵動詞,學英文好輕鬆好開心! ★★特別補充 老外生活超 In 哈拉句★★ …more
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