英國旅遊手指通:中英版 (25K彩圖 + 1MP3) 史上最強的手指書!隨身攜帶,通行英國無礙! 《英國旅遊手指通》是我們精心為計畫到英國旅遊或讀書的讀者準備的會話工具書!對於不通英文的讀者,不用補習、不需死背,本書將提供給您更快速的交流方式!【旅遊會話,一指就通!】 Point-to-T…more Summit 2/e (1A) Split: Student Book with ActiveBook CD-ROM/1片 and Workbook Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more | 超EASY!遊學英語一本搞定(附MP3) 誰說英文一定要夠好才能出國遊學? 出國遊學,看這本就對了! 只要掌握本書五大重點, 無論是短期遊學或是長期留學, 讓你輕鬆取得必備資訊, 英語生活會話樣樣通! 本書貼心設計的「遊學隨身包」,提供出國遊學相關的疑難雜症及文…more Summit 2/e (2) Classroom Audio Program(Audio CDs/6片) Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. The Classroom Audio Program contains all: * Vocabulary presentat…more |