Summit 2/e (1) Complete Assessment Package with ExamView Assessment Suite CD-ROM/1片 Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. This Complete Assessment Package includes: * Ten printable unit a…more Summit 2/e (2) Teacher’s Edition and Lesson Planner with Active Teach DVD-ROM/1片 Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more | 別笑!我是出國必備英語書 (附贈別笑全英快學MP3) 收錄完整旅遊會話 + 美國時下流行語 最好用的旅遊英語書 出國玩,看這本書就夠了! 怎麼跟計程車司溝通?怎麼在餐廳點菜? 認識美金面額、紐約地鐵、美國景點 圖比字多的輕鬆英語學習書.用指的也可以通 現學現賣.輕鬆玩遍美國 …more 一個人出差旅遊,這種狀況英文原來這麼說:從會鬧笑話的台式英語,讓你哈哈大笑中學會正確的英文說法(附 1 MP3) 《遜咖課長飛上天!!快速學會英文會話的祕密》修訂版 在飛機上要毛巾,講「Give me the towel.」... 會被空中小姐誤會你要把毛巾幹走帶回家!...=_=|||... 在機場找不到領行李處,講「Where can I find my bag?」... 機場員警會以為你…more |