一開口,就順口!英文生活會話怎麼聊都行(附1MP3) 從啞口無言到暢談無礙、從哪壺不開提哪壺到聊得不可開交, 無論是日常閒聊、或是一對一深度對談, 就是要你開口閉口都能話題滿檔! 不僅適用於當外國朋友來台觀光時的對話手冊, 更是出國旅遊、與外國人進行進一步文化交流的口說利器!…more Market Leader 3/e Human Resources Human Resources is one of a range new specialist titles designed for use on its own or with the Market Leader series. Ideal for students who need to learn the language of more specialized areas of business English, the book focuse…more | Summit 2/e (1) with ActiveBook CD-ROM/1片 Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more 觀光英語I(第二版) 本書編寫之目的即期望藉由觀光旅遊這個有趣的題目,將口說練習加諸其上協助臺灣學生克服對口說的恐懼,大聲且有自信地講出流暢的英語。針對大部分學生口說的弱點,在這本觀光英語中,我們除了使用一般常見的編排方式,亦即包括了單字、片語及句型之…more |