Gateway (4) Teacher’s Book Gateway is a lively six-level series for children between the ages of six and twelve. It has a clear functional and grammatical syllabus that provides students with a framework within which to learn real-world English. Its gradual…more 朗文新英文文法全集-New Edition 學習單字的滿足感固然大過文法,但要與人進行有效的溝通,就必須懂得將單字做適切的排列,如此才能正確傳達訊息。而文法,主要就在學習單字的排列規則。 在學習文法規則時,理解絕對重於死記,基於這樣的理念,本書將必備文法規則彙編為24章,每…more | Reading Advantage 3/e (2) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CD/1片 Reading Advantage is a four-level reading series for learners of English from the high beginning to high intermediate level. Each book features 20 four-page units that will motivate students and require little teacher preparation.…more 慶新英文單字速配學習法(三、四合訂本) 深刻「感覺」發音意涵,透過科學方法迅速破解單字密碼 象形英文大解密Part 2! 啟動英語學習的噴射引擎: 1.以一、二合訂本的方法為基礎,舉出更多例字來引導思維,使讀者更加熟練。 2.第三冊部分分述以s當字首的組合,如sa、sc等等,集…more |