中英日三國語會話(書+2CD) 本書為中、英、日三種語言對照學習,其編排方式為一個單字或一句話,同時列出中、英、日三種語,以便讀者對照學習,其編輯內容以日常生活會話為主,相當適合現代人學習。…more Market Leader 3/e (Intermediate) Audio CDs/2片 CD1: Units 1-7 plus Working across cultures 1 and 2, 79 minutes CD2: Units 7-12 plus Working across cultures 3 and 4, 78 minutes…more | 生活英語這樣學就行啦(25K+2CD) 全球英語教學專家公認學習成效最佳:「句型套用法」!500句以上各場景萬用好句,打遍天下無敵手!54個經典會話,說英語照著劇本走!強化系英語句型,瞬間增強10倍會話能力! 強化英語力的5大守則: ●一定要「七嘴八舌學英語」! 找個英語…more Market Leader 3/e (Intermediate) with DVD-ROM(DVD-Video)/1片 Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as the Financial Times. The 3rd Edition Course Book includes: * All…more |