Telephone English with Audio CD/1片 Building students’ confidence to use the telephone confidently in English, this book covers language common to all business calls and prepares students for dealing with specific situations in the business contexts in which they o…more Summit 2/e (1) Teacher’s Edition and Lesson Planner with Active Teach DVD-ROM/1片 Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more | 輕鬆學英語語法 Grammar in Action through Pictures 為輕鬆學英語系列的書籍,共97單元,用對頁編排,敘述清晰,輔以四格漫畫供讀者輕鬆閱讀,學習英語語法。作者簡介Rosalind Fergusson 是資深英語老師,具25年編寫英語學習書的經驗。著作包括:Chambers School Spelling (2003),Cassell Dictiona…more 同步翻譯 (4) 實例 二版 (附Audio MP3/1片) 優質的同步翻譯不但字正腔圓、文法精確、掌握雙文化、意義完整、字彙深闊、句子優美俐落、台風穩健親切、聲音優美愉悅,並且口譯的速度與演說幾乎完全平行,並同時結束。 上乘的口譯必須將幾個不同領域的知識相融合,化為實用的技巧,才能站在口…more |