英文作文祕笈:寫得好拿高分打通聽說讀寫的任督二脈 英文作文祕笈是由英文作文一定要會的127句型及英文作文必考的 3 種文體所組合而成,因為市場反應熱烈,因此重新製作包裝,以特價349元回饋讀者。 學習英文作文,就好像是在學武功 英文作文學得好,英文能力也會脫胎換骨武功密訣1 打破「背多…more 圖解英文的原理:用老外的思維學好英文(1書+1MP3) 學了十多年的英文,卻說不出完整的一句會話?想和外國人聊天,對方卻聽不懂你說的話?每天認真學英文,但英文能力卻在原地踏步?如果你有這些問題,不是你不夠認真,而是因為你之前學的英文80%是錯的!不是老師不夠厲害,而是因為老外想的和你不一…more | Summit 2/e (1A) Split: Student Book with ActiveBook CD-ROM/1片 and Workbook Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more Summit 2/e (2B) Split: Student with ActiveBook and Workbook Summit is a two-level high-intermediate/advanced course that provides the post-intermediate learner with an integrated set of skills for global communication. Essential model conversations and extensive opportunities for role p…more |