World Class (2) Workbook出版社:東華作者:Nancy Douglas、James R. Morgan優惠價:250元World Class is a two-level series from National Geographic Learning for high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners …more
In Sync (2A) SB with Language Builder & Student CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Ingrid Freebairn、Jonathan Bygrave、Judy Copage優惠價:400元In sync is an innovative and easy to use four-level American English course that reflects the lives and experiences of teenagers. Features 1. Brings languages learning to life 2. Enables students to succeed 3. Offers e…more
Reading Buffet Book 2 (附MP3光碟1片)出版社:東華作者:Maosung Lin/主編優惠價:450元Reading Buffet Book 1 is the first of a set of two books aimed at young learners of English at the intermediate level. The main focus is on reading comprehension with additional focus on listening, speaking, and writing. Each unit…more
自然發音KK音標速成寶典新修訂本+2000單字縱橫學習速成法(攜帶版)+英語聽說讀寫速成寶典(攜帶版)出版社:智優實業作者:鍾國正優惠價:9折359元1.本書係採用自然發音及KK音標兩種方法配合其個別優點,並根據作者十年教學經驗融會貫通後編著而成,其中每一環節均息息相關使讀者發音更好更容易把英文學好。 2.本書每次至少可記兩個單字以上,而其間的中文意思也有關聯,2000單字其實只要記10…more
圖解英語文法大全(修訂紀念版)出版社:懶鬼子英日語作者:蘇秦/著,Chris Forbrook/審訂優惠價:79折299元如果學習英文文法能像呼吸一樣自然, 那該有多好!! 蘇秦老師精心規劃全球公認最有效的英文文法秘笈: 《圖解英語文法大全》, 讓你學習英文文法就像呼吸一樣輕鬆自然! 《圖解英語文法大全》出版3年以來, 台灣、韓國、中國、香…more
World Class (2) Teacher』s Ed.出版社:東華作者:Nancy Douglas、James R. Morgan優惠價:1000元World Class is a two-level series from National Geographic Learning for high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners …more
一口氣旅遊英語會話講座實況DVD出版社:學習出版社作者:劉毅優惠價:95折551元背了這108句,出國旅遊一定用得到。 三句一組,九句一段,背至1分鐘內,終生不忘記。 取材自「一口氣背會話(上)BOOK 4」…more
世界經典故事特刊(附MP3二片)出版社:空中美語作者:空中美語優惠價:9折151元1. 精選小說、神話與童話故事22篇,包括膾炙人口的《孤雛淚》、《乞丐王 子》、〈天鵝湖〉、〈快樂王子〉等。 2. 配合雋永的故事,特邀知名插畫家幫經典畫面做最完美的詮釋。 3. 附兩片MP3,含課文朗讀、單字例句朗讀與課文解析。 4. 補充文案搭配優…more
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