FUN學美國英語課本:各學科關鍵英單Grade 1(菊8K軟皮精裝+1MP3)出版社:寂天作者:Michael A. Putlack優惠價:9折360元不用出國留學,也可以像在美國上課一樣! 用美國教科書學英文是目前最受歡迎的學習方式,有越來越多的學校選擇以美國教科書作為教材,用全英語授課的方式教學,讓學生把英語當成母語學習。也有越來越多的父母優先考慮讓子女用美國教科書來學習英…more
自然發音KK音標速成寶典(新修訂本)(附DVD)出版社:智優實業作者:鍾國正優惠價:9折269元1. 本書係採用自然發音及KK音標兩種方法配合其個別優點,並根據作者十年教學經驗融會貫通後編著而成,其中每一環節均息息相關使讀者發音更好、單字背的更快、更容易把英文學好。 2. 本書最多圖像圖表介紹,最多發音歸納、最多相關單…more
Focus on Grammar 3/e (1) with MP3 Audio CD-ROM/1片出版社:東華作者:Irene E. Schoenberg、Jay Maurer優惠價:700元Proven pedagogy The new edition builds on the success of Focus on Grammar』s unique four-step approach, moving students from context into communication. .The full integration of language skills provides a complete program f…more
一口氣生活英語會話講座實況DVD出版社:學習出版社作者:劉毅優惠價:95折551元背了這108句,出國旅遊一定用得到。 三句一組,九句一段,背至1分鐘內,終生不忘記。 取材自「一口氣背會話(上)BOOK 1」…more
快速記憶英文必考7000單字出版社:采竹作者:Bata Hsieh優惠價:9折198元大學學測、國中基測會考、全民英檢中級單字全都錄! 一本讓您的字彙能力十倍速成長的隨身寶典! 最短的時間,最大的效果,一本在手,打遍英語考試無敵手! 不再大海撈針,系統整理,快速消化! 學習有方法,背誦有捷徑, 本書特別以…more
World Class (1) SB with online WB (Sticker Access Code)出版社:東華作者:Nancy Douglas、James R. Morgan優惠價:550元World Class is a two-level series from National Geographic Learning for high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners …more
Global Outlook (2) Advanced Reading with MP3 CD/片出版社:東華作者:Brenda Bushell、Brenda Dyer優惠價:475元Global Outlook is a newly updated three-level series that introduces language learners to the basic reading skills and strategies necessary for academic success. Although the focus is on reading, the other three language skills…more
Global Outlook (1) High Intermediate Reading with MP3 CD/1片出版社:東華作者:Brenda Bushell、Brenda Dyer優惠價:475元Global Outlook is a newly updated three-level series that introduces language learners to the basic reading skills and strategies necessary for academic success. Although the focus is on reading, the other three language skills…more